Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

watercolor yesterday (2)

Sketching while travelling  is always a fun activities and as a learning media to improve sketch skill in many situation..
These are picture of our community social response activities in one of remote area in Nunukan east Borneo: Sei Menggaris

on speeding boat, hard to draw a simple line..:) a small boat with 75 pk engine.. fast enough

my friends on boat, almost every one fast texting on their handset before arrive in low-to-no signal area:))

mass circumcition situation

*inkpen, Lyra paper, and pentel watercolor.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

watercolor yesterday

a live sketch of cattleya express leaving for Pare-pare South Celebes Indonesia from Nunukan Island_this was drawn while many activities of travelers around the ship was held

a photography exhibition held in Nunukan Park

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

kuliah bisa menyenangkan

Beberapa waktu lalu di bulan Desember 2010 BKDD kabupaten Nunukan mengadakan sosialisasi jabatan fungsional di aula kantornya. Ini bakal membosankan jika tidak disiasati. namun kebosanan itu harus dibunuh agar tidak mengganggu masuknya materi. ini penting mengingat apa yang dibawakan menyangkut masa depan pribadi:D
Satu-satunya cara yang masuk akal buat saya adalah mensketsa sambil mencatat apa yang penting..
ini hasilnya; selamat menikmati

several weeks ago in December 2010 human resources office of Nunukan invite me to attend a meeting presentation about functional position in their meeting room. It's gonna be a long..long...long.....long....... boring day (i thought) for me who doesn't like to stay in a room for long period. But this had to be overcome since the material of the presentation is important for my future.
So, the only way to make all these become more fun is to combine with sketching activities
here is the results; enjoy

drawed on Canson A4, boxy pen, and pentel watercolor