Tuesday, February 19, 2013

sketchtour: Sebakis

This is my third assignment at PT Duta Tambang Rekayasa, a coal mine on Sebakis site of Nunukan. a very remote area from Nunukan island/Nunukan city. Very quiet place...sometimes heavy vehicle pass by our clinic:) breaking the silence of the jungle.
3 times and less boring place since in the first 3 days of the assignment help me to calm my mind. Arrangging brand new program of public relation (for hospital) and managing fresh ideas. But, after that....here comes mr. boring :))
in front of Clinic, management office and a pajero sport:)

this is my third time following safety induction, a brief explanation to ensure each and every employee and guests that visit the mine

canteen, my favorite place

transport bus...

emergency corner..
sketched in my second time in DTR..


astho said...

sket yang terakhir keren..
suka banget.

senoajisketsa said...

Terima kasih apresiasinya..