Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

sunday morning at "aren" farm

Sunday morning, i was asked by mr. Dian Kusumanto to draw "aren" trees in one's farm. For me it's a challenge since i've consider trees as only a complementary objects in skething world:).. so it's quiet difficult i suppossed and i agree to try without asking what this sketch for.
at the farm he explain many things about "aren" and other products related to that open my mind about this fruit of nature.

2 buah pohon aren yang sedang produktif lengkap dengan bunga jantan dan betina

pohon aren muda, tidak memiliki bunga dan buah. Hampir seluruh batangnya diliputi ijuk

Ir. Dian Kusumanto, peneliti aren dan produk pangan lainnya  

about the sketch: Lyra sketchbook, snowman inkpen 0.2, watercolor pentel
also visit:!/pages/Nunukan-Indonesia/Senoajisketsa/113796695342772

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