lobby RSU Nunukan, welcome_ |
sakit hampir selalu memberi kesan tidak menyenangkan utamanya bagi pasien. Sepertinya
hal itu berlaku pula untuk saya dalam artian monotonisme kerja berlandaskan
iregularitas jam kerja ala shift.. Namun 3bulan terakhir sejak saya mengenal
komunitas perupa dua dimensional melalui facebook (Indonesia’s sketcher) yang
menekankan pada kenikmatan mensketsa langsung di lokasi membuat cara pandang
saya terhadap rumah sakit mulai bergeser dalam hal memberi ruang lebih pada ide
merekam kehidupan dalam rumah sakit dalam sketsa_ secara langsung ini memberi gairah
baru dalam bekerja, merubah cara pandang mengenai rumah sakit (kecuali untuk
jarum dan infusnya)
Hospital nearly always gives unpleasant expression especially for every patients due to traumatic experiences. It happens to me due to work monotonism in irregularity work hours.. But last three months since i know a community of two dimensional artists through facebook (Indonesia's Sketcher) which focus on the enjoyment of life sketching on location has change my point of view about hospital in giving more space to explore "the life" in the hospital on my sketchbook._ this directly gives a new passion in my profession, change the way i look at hospital (except for the needle and intravenous line:)
Hospital nearly always gives unpleasant expression especially for every patients due to traumatic experiences. It happens to me due to work monotonism in irregularity work hours.. But last three months since i know a community of two dimensional artists through facebook (Indonesia's Sketcher) which focus on the enjoyment of life sketching on location has change my point of view about hospital in giving more space to explore "the life" in the hospital on my sketchbook._ this directly gives a new passion in my profession, change the way i look at hospital (except for the needle and intravenous line:)
suasana di ruang Operasi |
Operasi Sectio cesar feat dokter kandungan dan anestesi |
masa kritis seorang bayi penderita DBD di ICU |
seekor kumbang di atas meja poli |
sectio cesar lain dengan bayi yang tak lama meninggal dunia karena lahir kurang bulan |
setelah 1 jam pertemuan saya harus menggambar atau tertidur, beberapa karakter peserta meeting di Ruang pertemuan RS Nunukan |
Lobby UGD saat belum ada pasen._ |
2 orang sejawat yang sedang melakukan perawatan wajah saat santai di UGD |
dianjurkan agar mengupload film bermutu di komputer UGD untuk merefresh kejenuhan |
Wahyu tertidur di UGD |
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