audiences of HIV/AIDS presentation in Sembakung district |
Once again my connection from city Health Center takes
me to (I was assume) 3 remote areas of
Nunukan which are: Sebuku, Sembakung, and Tulin Onsoi districts to share by
presentation about HIV/ AIDS and the danger of narcotics drugs for students and
productive ages.
HIV/ AIDS presentation in Lumbis district |
We went there about 3 hours by small speed boat of 75 PK it
was 6 person on board including the motorist. It was long and dangerous journey
since the river is wide and deep, also a lot of wood chops floating on the
river that we must avoid for the danger of collision. After arriving on Sebuku
harbor, we went to Sembakung district in 1hour land travel to do our first presentation.
Sanur public health center Ambulance |
Many questions about HIV/AIDS came from high school
students, their enthusiasm makes this duty easier, as we know most our HIV
patients came from this productive age from 20-40 years old. This fact is very
harmful for this Nation's future….any nations. The presentation mostly about how
we treat HIV/AIDS patients socially among us. Nowadays HIV/AIDS must not
consider as a frightening disease as long as public now what is HIV/AIDS and
how to treat the patient together due to better life quality.
HIV is a virus that cause immunodeficiency in Human. It spreads
thru human liquid such as blood, sperm/vaginal discharge, brain liquid, and
saliva. It takes 3-6 month to be seen as positive result since the first
contact. This called “window period”, a periode that mostly refer to negative
results but the patient still can spread the virus by unsave sex (not using
condom or free sex), transfusion, etc..
After 5-10 years later, many diseases that manifest as the
result of the destroy of immune system starts to weaken the patients (syndrome)
and this condition called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) until death
a few characters of audiences including Chief of Tulin Onsoi District |
HIV/AIDS not infected by shaking hands, kissing, cough, work
together, using the same pool or toilets, and mosquitos bite. And with proper
education about HIV/AIDS thru media and health center, we can help ourselves to
avoid the disease and help the patient with HIV/AIDS to live better.
Nowadays there’s a treatment to limit the progress of the
virus called ARV (antiretroviral) and a complete educative center VCT
(voluntary counseling and testing) to provide consultation, future planning,
and Patient-approval-testing-based to make patient as comfortable as possible
to carry on his/her life betterly
a small part of road from Sebuku to Sembakung |
too far from Samarinda :)) |
sei sembakung bridge in Lumbis |
3 komentar:
very good!
you have inspiring sketch i do have same hobby like you. you can see my blog some time.
thank you..
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