September 2008
we came to Nunukan.. very few recreational site (until recently), there’ s many
forest destroyed caused by legally illegal logging during Inhutani period on
80’s-90’s. The rest of the forest seems still well preserve _even though
sometimes we hear the roaring sounds of chainsaw machine among the silence of
the forest_ and hopefully the preserved area is increase. Local government has
been playing important role in stopping deforestation, reduct the destruction,
and preserve it. All of those efforts are not smooth in action, The destroyed
forest actually has only thin layer of “humus” (a called for humid soil that
makes plants grow well) which is soon washed away by rain. (see picture above)
The “red soil” is actually humid, according to trustable sources, this hardly
plant-growth-on soil has rich trace elements that plants need but they locked
by a high level of acid pH. Farmers usually trick this situation by burn all
bushes on farming area to decrease the level of soil acid instead of
highly-expensive using of chemical fertilizer. This should explain why every
year we always have smoke problem with our neighbour such as Malaysia
and Singapore
, It’s hard to stop such thing..
Binusan Village ..
Outer ring-road of Nunukan
5. Jl. Pattimura
6. downtown at night
7. Nunukan Kota public health center (was Nunukan Hospital )
Nunukan sedang membangun, sejak pemekaran dari kabupaten Bulungan tahun 1999 kabupaten ini maju pesat. Dalam waktu 10 tahun saja cukup banyak infrastruktur yang dibangun antara lain: Bangunan Rumah Sakit Umum, gedung perkantoran, peremajaan puskesmas pembantu lengkap dengan fasilitasnya, sarana jalan raya, pelabuhan baru, peremajaan pasar, gedung sekolah dan sebagainya yang akan ditampilkan di posting-posting berikutnya secara acak agar tidak membosankan:)
is a growing city, since we split from Bulungan in 1999, this city is grow
rapidly. Only in 10 yeArs we're able to build many government office, renewal
of public health centers including the advance facility, new wide roads,
harbour, marketplace, school, etc more to come at next
postings randomly
about Photos:
all the photos was taken with Sony cybershot H7. Every digtal imaging is light-dependent. the more light intensity the sharper the picture. pict no.2 was taken at iso 80, shutter speed 1/400, f4.5, as you can see there's no noise. Every detail was captured perfectly..Pict no. 6 and 7 waS taken without tripod. bad example but to practice your ability in jurnalism photography which is demand sudden action, night shooting without tripod skill is sometimes needed:) (shutter speed 3'', ISO 800, f2.7 and steady hand of course)
(from many local government sources)
2 komentar:
RS kok bisa jadi puskesmas ya kak?
RS nya pindah..
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